Sunday, December 2, 2012

Here we go again...

So its been a very long time since I have tried to use this app as a form of "digital journal" , beings as that what blogging really is these days...
I used to spend hours upon hours on MySpace a writing down or recording just about everything hat was flying out of my mind at a mile a minute ... and it always felt really really good to pour myself out like that.

So here we go again, trying to do just that. Only now we are e in the 21st century, and the medium has changed from computer or laptop to tablet or phone...

The main kicker here, is that where I used to not really care what people would say or think about my postings, my paradigm on hat has completely shifted, because there are, surprisingly, a lot of things that I would like to keep to myself. For the most part, anything that I would write on here would be shared with my wife anyways, but sometimes, if I run in to those moments when I am so frustrated with everything and everyone (whether it be for good reasons or not) and I just want to erupt into word vomit, I can safely do that in a private blog.

So if anyone sees this, please comment on it or let me know so that I can make whatever changes (whether it be per post or not)  that I need to...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Current thoughts

So here I am at work, yet again... just finding things to occupy my time with. And beings as I have been wanting to keep a blog again, I thought that I would try this out to see how well it would address my wishes... that being having some sort of similarity to MySpace minus all the mindless bullshit that it once was...